Published at the Journal of Physical Chemistry – Solar Thermochemical Redox Cycling Using Ga- and Al-Doped LSM Perovskites for Renewable Hydrogen Production

Abstract Solar thermochemical hydrogen production using redox-active metal oxides is a promising pathway for the production of green hydrogen and synthetic fuel precursors. Herein, the perovskite material (La0.6Sr0.4)0.95Mn0.8Ga0.2O3−δ (LSMG6482) is identified as a promising metal oxide for thermochemical water splitting. LSMG6482, along with more-established water splitters ceria and (La0.6Sr0.4)0.95MnxAl1–xO3−δ (LSMA) perovskites, is experimentally characterized via … Continue reading Published at the Journal of Physical Chemistry – Solar Thermochemical Redox Cycling Using Ga- and Al-Doped LSM Perovskites for Renewable Hydrogen Production