SolarPACES is an IEA Technology Collaborative Programme (TCP) with a structure similar to the more than 60 TCP programs currently operating through the IEA. Each reflects the need to efficiently coordinate between international organisations and bodies. Programmes are carried out under the framework of an Implementing Agreement, signed by contracting parties to the agreement – these include government agencies and government-designated entities of the countries involved.
Technology Collaborative Programmes offer the framework for collaborative research projects. Benefits include pooled resources and shared costs, harmonisation of standards and hedging of technical risks.
Tasks Annexes of the IEA SolarPACES Technology Collaborative Programme.
Within SolarPACES, individual research, development and demonstration projects are organised within related Tasks. There are five IEA TCP tasks currently being undertaken by the SolarPACES Programme:
- Task I: Solar Thermal Electric Systems
- Task II: Solar Chemistry Research
- Task III: Solar Technology and Advanced Applications
- Task IV: Solar Heat for Industrial Processes
- Task V: Solar Resource Assessment and Forecasting