Operating Agent:
Tobias Hirsch, DLR, Germany (tobias.hirsch@dlr.de)
Subtasks and Working Groups
Main activities are carried out in a joint task between SolarPACES and IEA Solar Heating & Cooling Program (SHC). The joint task has been started in April 2020 with task leaders Andreas Häberle on behalf of SHC and Tobias Hirsch on behalf of SolarPACES. Further details on this joint task can be found on the SHC website https://task64.iea-shc.org/. The activities in this joint task focus applications with process temperatures up to 400 °C.
Since high temperature applications from 400 °C upwards are gaining more and more attention, a working group in task IV dedicated to high temperature applications has been founded. An important activity is the exchange of information on current R&D and demonstration activities in this field.
Nature of Work & Objectives
Solar heat for industrial processes from 400 °C up to 1,500 °C
With the newest solar technologies, even higher temperatures can be reached. This opens the way for solar high temperature heat applications. SolarPACES task IV will address this topic in a new working group to be established in Autumn 2020. The working group will intensify information exchange between experts all over the world. The pillars of this activity will be:
- Update on most recent developments in the field by regular tasks meetings
- Supporting the cooperation between experts and inducing joint R&D projects
- Identification of R&D needs for the high temperature applications
- Promoting the application of high temperature heat by sharing information, presentations in the annual SolarPACES conferences
We have prepared a number of technology briefs that are intended to give a first insight into high temperature process heat applications. Documents on the following technologies are already available:
- Calcination Processes in the Cement IndustryÂ
- Copper Ore Upgrading Â
- Industrial Burners
- Manganese Roasting
- Solar Gasification
We are always keen to learn new potential applications and give the opportunity to share it in further technology briefs.
If you are interested in collaborating in the high temperature working group please contact the task agent Tobias Hirsch.
The joint task is divided into five subtasks:
- Subtask A: Integrated energy systems
- Subtask B: Modularization
- Subtask C: Simulation and design tools
- Subtask D: Standardization and Certification
- Subtask E: Guideline to market
More information on this activity can be found on the task website https://task64.iea-shc.org/ .
Deliverables of the task 64/IV can be found in the following table:
Subtask |
Title | Date | Main authors |
Link |
A |
Reference applications for renewable heat: Compilation of reference applications for integrated energy systems with solar heating plants incl. representative load profiles (additional material available on the Task 64 website) | January 2021 | F. Pag, M. Jesper, U. Jordan | |
E |
Collection of available solar process heat related national and trans-national research and funding programs | April 2021 | P. Nitz, J. Fluch |