Tower CSP thermal storage initially had a tank leak problem. Vast Solar says they have the solution

Tower CSP thermal storage initially had a tank leak problem. Vast Solar says they have the solution
Vast Solar now Vast with NETC on the NY Stock Exchange. The Australian firm is a previous winner of the SolarPACES Innovation Award
When SolarReserve proposed a 150 MW tower Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) power plant for Port Augusta, the firm was fresh off completing Crescent Dunes, the world’s first attempt at utility scale tower CSP with storage. The startup was unable to get funding to build...
Press Release: A consortium that comprises Vast Solar, CyD, Solar Dynamics, Alia Energy Consulting and Critical Engineering, has jointly developed Flexitank, a novel design for high temperature molten salt thermal energy storage tanks used in CSP and standalone...
Australian solar thermal developer Vast Solar has unveiled plans to take its technology into the mainstream, unveiling a $600 million proposal to build a “baseload” solar plant in Mt Isa that will combine solar thermal, solar PV, battery storage and fast-acting gas...
At the 2019 SolarPACES Conference, Vast Solar took the SolarPACES Technical Innovation Award for their use of high temperature sodium-based HTF in tower CSP, presented in their paper: Vast Solar: improving performance and reducing cost and risk using high temperature...
News Source: RenewEconomy The developers of a solar thermal powered methanol production facility that will supply green fuel for shipping and aviation have bedded down $A40 million in funding deals that will underpin construction of the Port Augusta plant, known as...
High-temperature liquid sodium receivers able to run at over 700°C may allow use of modular multi-tower system configurations similar to that being developed by the Australian concentrated solar firm Vast for next-generation sodium-based concentrating solar power...
India has carved out an unprecedented percentage to come from concentrated solar thermal technologies in its planned renewables tender this year; over 50%. The news of the tender attracted the world’s key CSP developers and stakeholders to the International Conference...
CSP solar efficiency is compared against LCOE in multi-unit CSP with s-CO2 Brayton cycle in two recent papers, and efficiency wins
Smiles abound at SolarPACES 2023 where the engineers behind a record-setting solar energy coating received the Technology Innovation Award. From L to R: PhD candidate Yifan Guo, Dr Juan Felipe Torres, Dr Joe Coventry, Kaoru Tsuda, CEO of Nano Frontier Technology, and...
The solar receiver on view at this year’s SolarPACES Conference site tour in October will be the first that many attendees have seen. This solar receiver is designed for very high temperature liquid sodium as its heat transfer fluid up in a solar tower, with a solar...
Tests are underway on a cutting edge renewable hydrogen technology that is being backed by iron-ore billionaire Andrew Forrest to deliver a cheaper and more scalable way to produce the zero emissions fuel using concentrated sunlight.
Why Vast plans to include methanol production in their CSP project Methanol is used to make many chemicals, but what makes producing green methanol most interesting for the future is that the shipping industry, finally having to deal with climate emissions, considers...
The SolarPACES Awards honor the personal engagement of individuals and institutions that significantly contribute to the deployment of CSP technology. Two types of Awards can be given: 1. Technology Innovation Award Deadline: 31 July, 2021...
Source: El Pais (Google translated from French) Between the deposits of the road that leads to Rjim Maatoug, along the Algerian border and 120 kilometers from Kébili, in the south of Tunisia, only hydrocarbon tankers pass through in an incessant ballet. This area,...
“Our heliostat software works like human bodies work. We have eyes and eyes allow us to put our fingers in a very exact place with feedback.”
A perovskite may be more cost-effective than ceria for solar-driven thermochemical hydrogen production, a new paper suggests. One perovskite formulation that works at a slightly lower temperature than ceria is explored by Xin Qian in the paper Outstanding Properties...
Commercializing alumina refining using solar heat Approximately 27% of Australia’s industrial carbon emissions come from alumina refineries, in which fossil fuels are burned to heat the processes. But concentrated solar thermal (CST) could provide up to half of the...
For countries such as Japan or South Korea with poor DNI and little space for wind and solar, the value of hydrogen is that it can be made overseas with renewable energy, then stored and shipped, and used to produce electricity, heat, or propulsion. This way,...
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