Location: TU Wien, AUSTRIA
Date: 29-30 September 2016
Scientific Scope and Range of Topics:
The aim of the seminar is to bring together researchers and industry participants working in the field of Supercritical CO2 (sCO2) Power Systems. The topics of the seminar include:
– System Concepts
– Thermodynamics, System Modeling and Control
– Heat Transfer and Fluid dynamics
– Turbomachinery
– System Components (valves, pumps, CO2 heat exchangers, etc.)
– Materials for sCO2 systems
– Experimental testing
The seminar will be organized in a combination of keynote presentations, oral presentations and posters.
Participants interested in a presentation are requested to submit an extended abstract (2-5pages) by June 5, 2016.
Abstract submission, Registration and Contact
Registration information can be found on the seminar’s website http://sco2-seminar-2016.conf.tuwien.ac.at/home/
Authors are invited to submit a two page abstract by June 5, 2016.
E-mail: markus.haider@tuwien.ac.at
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: June 5, 2016
Notification to authors: till June 20, 2016
Early registration: till July 30, 2016 (30% increase of fee after this date)
Markus HAIDER, TU Wien, Institute for Energy Systems and Thermodynamics
Dieter BRILLERT, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Chair of Turbomachinery
Jörg STARFLINGER, Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Kernenergetik und Energiesysteme (IKE)
Andreas WERNER, TU Wien, Institute for Energy Systems and Thermodynamics