ANU presently has four research-intensive positions available in the solar thermal group.
Details are as follows:
The positions focus on different aspects including development of low-cost heliostats and high-performance solar receivers (sodium receivers and boilers, bladed receivers), and system modelling of entire concentrating solar thermal plants. The four roles are described as follows:
- Position 1: mechanical / optical engineer, with experience in ray optics, programming ability in common languages (e.g. Python, C, C++) and aptitude for practical and experimental work
- Position 2: mechanical / thermal engineer, with strong experimental experience, heat transfer and thermo-mechanical modelling ability (e.g. computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis), and aptitude for experimental data analysis & interpretation
- Position 3: process / mechanical / systems engineer, with strong numerical modelling background such as chemical process modelling, energy systems modelling, system dynamics and control, with strong interest in numerical methods, thermodynamics/heat transfer and applied renewable energy systems design.
- Position 4: mechanical engineer, with experience in product design, development, prototyping and testing
Position 4 is also open to applicants with a non-academic background. Applications close on 10 April 2016.
In addition we have a full stipend available for a PhD student to work on a project where we are investigating a concept that couples a tubular sodium boiler with a NaCl phase-change storage system for continuous energy supply. The student would examine sodium stability in highly-irradiated tubes by investigating mass, momentum, energy and radiative transport in liquid metals.