All the most important European concentrated solar energy R&D infrastructures are participating in the ‘Solar Facilities for the European Research Area Second Phase (SFERA II)’ Project, funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Program ‘Capacities‘, Specific Program ‘Research Infrastructures’.
Since one of the goals of this project concerns trans–national access, the most relevant European R&D infrastructures will be opening their doors to interested users groups, thereby optimizing use of the facilities and creating critical mass for new research initiatives, free of charge to the users.
The CIEMAT-PSA, CNRS-PROMES, PSI-Villigen, UAL-CIESOL and ENEA-Casaccia sites will be providing access to their state-of-the-art high-flux solar research facilities.
The website address is: There you will find all the basic information you need, like the access conditions.
Please, see the ‘Access to facilities’ section where you can find further information on the R&D themes and research areas, and the different facilities offered for access by each institution. In this ‘Access to facilities’ section, the ‘User Research Proposal Form’ can also be found and download.