Tuesday May 30th, 2017 at 1 pm (UTC -4, Chilean local time)
Chile imports most of the energy it uses. This constitutes a historic anomaly, as Chile has the best solar energy resources available on the planet. Moving forward, Chile is in a unique position to lead the growth of the Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) industry thanks to its abundance of the main resources required for this technology.
CORFO has teamed up with ATA Insights to offer you a webinar to analyze the opportunities and challenges of a Solar Energy Program with the goal of reaching US $50 MWh by 2025, allowing CSP to become the primary reliable and affordable technology of the Chilean energy mix.
- Analyze Chile´s competitive advantages to position itself as the leader in the global CSP market
- Understand how CSP development will positively impact the growth of the industry in Chile, both at the local and international level
- Hear from experts about what the key technology and financial improvements required to reach the 50 US$/MWh goal are, including actions in the solar field, hybrid approaches and new molten salts with lithium for thermal storage.
More information: http://www.programaenergiasolar.cl/webinar-target-csp-at-us50mwh-by-2025/