Latest in Construction: 2023
Redstone Tower CSP: 100 MW
SolarPACES-NREL database: All plant details on this CSP project

The 100 MW Redstone CSP project was originally developed by SolarReserve together with two PV projects (seen here next to it). After a lengthy delay in permitting by the REIPPP in South Africa, ACWA Power completed the development and began construction in 2021. The project is expected to be complete by 2024
All CSP Projects:
SolarPACES-NREL database – All projects in South Africa
CSP Potential
South Africa’s first solar tower plant: 50 MW Khi Solar 1 operational since early 2016 |
Country Information
Area |
Population (2011) |
51 770 560
GDP (2012) |
390,919 US$ mill.
Installed power capacity (2012) |
44 GW
Electricity consumption (2011) |
262 540 GWh
Generation from RE sources (2012) |
Generation from CSP (2012) |
Primary energy production (2009) |
160.6 MTOE
Primary energy net export (2009) |
13.6 MTOE
Total primary energy supply (2009) |
144 MTOE
Total final consumption (2009) |
68.7 MTOE
In 2010, the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) was released by the South African Department of Energy (DoE). According to the IRP, 42% of the total additional new capacity until 2030 was to be sourced from renewable energy sources, including 1,000 MW of CSP.
In June 2011, the DoE announced the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPP Programme), designed to start and stimulate the renewable energy industry in South Africa.
In the first window, the average bidding prices were R2.69/kWh. The Bookport project offered a bid price of R2.51/kWh.
Projects awarded in Window 3 have a new tariff system: a base price of R1.65/kWh payable for 12 hours every day and a 270% premium on the base price payable for electricity dispatched during the 5 peak demand hours.
CSP development under the REIPPP Programme:
Window 1:
KaXu Solar 1: 100 MW parabolic trough plant with up to 3 hours of molten salt energy storage system. Operational.
Khi Solar 1: 50 MW steam tower plant with a steam accumulator for 2 hours of thermal storage. Operational.
Window 2:
Bokpoort: 50 MW parabolic trough plant with 9.5 hours of thermal storage. Operational.
Window 3:
Xina Solar One: 100 MW parabolic trough plant with 5 hours of thermal storage. In development.
Ilanga CSP 1: 100 MW parabolic trough plant with 5 hours of thermal storage. In development.
Window 4:
Redstone: 100 MW parabolic trough plant with 5 hours of thermal storage. In progress.
The South African state utility ESKOM said in 2013 (and confirmed in 2016) that it also plans to develop a 100 MW dry cooled molten salt tower plant with 9 – 12 hours of TES