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Results for "particle"

Published at Applied Thermal Engineering – Investigations of inlet arrangement strategies and particle parameters on thermochemical performance in falling particle solar reactors

Published at Applied Thermal Engineering – Investigations of inlet arrangement strategies and particle parameters on thermochemical performance in falling particle solar reactors

Abstract: The reformation of methane to hydrogen and steam in a falling particle solar reactor (FPSR) is a promising method to use the solar energy, which converts solar energy into chemical energy. FPSR has higher operation temperature, higher pressure bearing...

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Published at Renewable Energy – The performance evaluation of the free-falling particle solar receiver with a novel zigzag mass-flow controlled particle release pattern

Published at Renewable Energy – The performance evaluation of the free-falling particle solar receiver with a novel zigzag mass-flow controlled particle release pattern

Abstract: A free-falling particle receiver is a promising technology to be used in concentrating solar power plants. In this study, an optical-thermal coupled model is established by combining a Monte Carlo ray-tracing method with a finite volume method to simulate...

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Published at Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells – Erosion wear analysis of heat exchange surfaces in a falling particle-based concentrating solar power system

Published at Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells – Erosion wear analysis of heat exchange surfaces in a falling particle-based concentrating solar power system

Abstract: Next generation concentrating solar power (CSP) plants that use solid particles as the heat transfer and storage medium provide opportunities for higher temperature operation, higher efficiency, and lower levelized cost. However, falling particles over...

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Published at Tribilogy International – Analysis of abrasion wear in particle storage and valve subsystem for falling particle concentrating solar power

Published at Renewable Energy – Numerical and experimental investigation on thermal performances of quartz tube gravity-driven solid particle solar receiver based on linear-focused solar furnace

Abstract: This paper reported a novel quartz tube gravity-driven SPSR. A test platform of the receiver with a drop length of 4m based on a linear-focused solar furnace was built. The optical performances of the linear-focused solar furnace were measured by a direct...

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Published at Applied Catalysis – Structured sulphur trioxide splitting catalytic systems and allothermally-heated reactors for the implementation of Sulphur-based thermochemical cycles via a centrifugal solar particle receiver

Published at Applied Catalysis – Structured sulphur trioxide splitting catalytic systems and allothermally-heated reactors for the implementation of Sulphur-based thermochemical cycles via a centrifugal solar particle receiver

Abstract: Catalytic sulphur trioxide splitting is the highest-temperature (850–900 °C), endothermic step of several sulphur-based thermochemical cycles targeted to production of hydrogen or solid sulphur. The demonstrated capability of centrifugal particle solar...

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Published at Progress in Energy and Combustion Science – Opportunities and challenges in using particle circulation loops for concentrated solar power applications

Published at Progress in Energy and Combustion Science – Opportunities and challenges in using particle circulation loops for concentrated solar power applications

Abstract: Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) is an electricity generation technology that concentrates solar irradiance through heliostats onto a small area, the receiver, where a heat transfer medium, currently a fluid (HTF), is used as heat carrier towards the heat...

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