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Published at Applied Thermal Engineering – Numerical investigation and comparison of tubular solar cavity receivers for simultaneous generation of superheated steam and hot air

Published at Applied Thermal Engineering – Numerical investigation and comparison of tubular solar cavity receivers for simultaneous generation of superheated steam and hot air

Abstract: Solar cavity receivers are a crucial technology to transform solar energy into easily usable thermal energy. Various cavity receiver structures employing helical absorber tubes were investigated to provide either superheated steam or hot air efficiently....

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Published at Journal of Energy Storage – Influence of corrosion-resistant coatings on the post-corrosion thermal stability and fouling of molten salts for high temperature thermal energy storage

Published at Journal of Energy Storage – Influence of corrosion-resistant coatings on the post-corrosion thermal stability and fouling of molten salts for high temperature thermal energy storage

Abstract Corrosion and dissolution of containment alloy constituents is an important consideration in high temperature thermal energy storage using molten salts. While the focus of most studies has been on protecting the alloys from corrosion attack, an...

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Published at Advanced Energy Materials – Thermochemical Oxygen Pumping with Perovskite Reticulated Porous Ceramics for Enhanced Reduction of Ceria in Thermochemical Fuel Production

Published at Advanced Energy Materials – Thermochemical Oxygen Pumping with Perovskite Reticulated Porous Ceramics for Enhanced Reduction of Ceria in Thermochemical Fuel Production

Abstract: Within this work, reticulated monolithic foams and granules made from CaMnO3 − δ and strontium substituted variations are demonstrated to significantly improve the performance of a water splitting redox oxide when employed as a thermochemical oxygen pumping...

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Published at Applied Thermal Engineering – Artificial neural Network-Based LCOH estimation for concentrated solar power plants for industrial process heating applications

Published at Applied Thermal Engineering – Artificial neural Network-Based LCOH estimation for concentrated solar power plants for industrial process heating applications

Abstract: A study was conducted to assess the feasibility of a 5MWt solar-only parabolic trough concentrated solar power (CSP) for industrial process heat (IPH) in various locations across Morocco. Furthermore, the initial plant design has been optimized by...

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Published at Applied Thermal Engineering – Enhancement of the Power-to-Heat Energy Conversion Process of a Thermal Energy Storage Cycle through the use of a Thermoelectric Heat Pump

Published at Applied Thermal Engineering – Enhancement of the Power-to-Heat Energy Conversion Process of a Thermal Energy Storage Cycle through the use of a Thermoelectric Heat Pump

Abstract: The principal strategy for achieving a neutral climate entails enhancing the share of renewable energies in the energy mix, in conjunction with promoting innovation in efficient technologies. Thermal energy storage systems have the potential to efficiently...

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Published at Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments – Energy systems capacity planning under high renewable penetration considering concentrating solar power

Published at Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments – Energy systems capacity planning under high renewable penetration considering concentrating solar power

Abstract: With the rapid development of renewable generation and the promotion of “Clean Heating”, the uncertainty of renewables as well as rising energy demand has posed significant problems to the energy system’s economical and flexible operation. As a renewable...

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Published at Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells – Incorporation of CaZrO3 into calcium-based heat carriers for efficient solar thermochemical energy storage

Published at Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells – Incorporation of CaZrO3 into calcium-based heat carriers for efficient solar thermochemical energy storage

Abstract Calcium-based materials (CaCO3/CaO) have shown significant potential for use in thermochemical energy storage systems for concentrated solar power generation due to their low-cost, high-energy storage efficiency, and operational temperature range. However,...

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Published at Renewable Energy –  Feasibility study: Economic and technical analysis of optimal configuration and operation of a hybrid CSP/PV/wind power cogeneration system with energy storage

Published at Renewable Energy – Feasibility study: Economic and technical analysis of optimal configuration and operation of a hybrid CSP/PV/wind power cogeneration system with energy storage

Abstract: In this study, a hybrid photovoltaic-wind-concentrated solar power renewable energy system and two cogeneration models are proposed. Evaluation criteria are employed, including the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and the loss of power supply probability...

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Published at Energy Conversion and Management – Research progress on metal oxide oxygen carrier materials for two-step solar thermochemical cycles in the last five years

Published at Energy Conversion and Management – Research progress on metal oxide oxygen carrier materials for two-step solar thermochemical cycles in the last five years

Full-size image Abstract: In the evolving landscape of sustainable energy solutions, the approach of two-step solar thermochemical cycles assumes a position of paramount importance. Metal oxide oxygen carriers, integral to the functioning of these cycles, play a...

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Published at Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research – Solar Thermochemical Production of Syngas from H2O and CO2─Experimental Parametric Study, Control, and Automation

Published at Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research – Solar Thermochemical Production of Syngas from H2O and CO2─Experimental Parametric Study, Control, and Automation

Abstract: We report on an experimental parametric study performed on a modular and fully automated solar fuel system for the solar-driven thermochemical splitting of CO2 and H2O. Concentrated solar energy is used as the source of high-temperature process heat for...

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