Abstract: Currently, the majority of electric power generation in Iran is provided through fossil fuel power plants. Recently, the effort to increase the share of renewable energy in the energy supply portfolio is increasing. Naturally, none of the renewable energy...
Recently Published CSP Papers in Journals
Published at ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering – Optimal Design of an Absorbent-Enhanced Ammonia Synthesis Process for Solar Thermochemical Energy Storage
Abstract: Concentrating solar power systems are crucial for capturing solar energy. However, the intermittent nature of sunlight necessitates effective energy storage solutions. Ammonia-based thermochemical energy storage systems have emerged as a promising option,...
Published at Journal of Energy Storage – Influence of corrosion-resistant coatings on the post-corrosion thermal stability and fouling of molten salts for high temperature thermal energy storage
Abstract Corrosion and dissolution of containment alloy constituents is an important consideration in high temperature thermal energy storage using molten salts. While the focus of most studies has been on protecting the alloys from corrosion attack, an...
Published at International Journal of Hydrogen Energy – Investigation on the activity of Ni doped Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 for solar thermochemical water splitting combined with partial oxidation of methane
Abstract The incredible potential of metal oxide-based two-step solar-driven thermochemical water splitting technology lies in its ability to harness limitless solar energy to produce clean and renewable hydrogen fuel. However, achieving high redox kinetics and...
Published at Journal of Energy Storage – Efficient solar-thermal conversion and thermal energy storage towards personal thermal management and thermoelectric power generation enabled by massive screen printing of carbon nanotube dopped energy storage gels
Abstract: Converting clean solar energy into thermal and electrical energy can effectively alleviate energy shortages and environmental crises. However, the intermittency and low utilization of solar energy are currently urgent issues that need to be addressed. The...
Published at Advanced Energy Materials – Thermochemical Oxygen Pumping with Perovskite Reticulated Porous Ceramics for Enhanced Reduction of Ceria in Thermochemical Fuel Production
Abstract: Within this work, reticulated monolithic foams and granules made from CaMnO3 − δ and strontium substituted variations are demonstrated to significantly improve the performance of a water splitting redox oxide when employed as a thermochemical oxygen pumping...
Published at Energy – Analysis of heat and mass transfer in a porous solar thermochemical reactor
Abstract: Solar thermochemistry shows great potential as a viable solution for addressing the challenge of energy storage. The design of the reactor is still challenging the development and rapid upscaling of solar thermal conversion and storage processes. This study...
Published at Applied Energy – Modeling and control strategy optimizing of solar flux distribution in a four quadrant and adjustable focusing solar furnace
Abstract The solar furnace is key equipment for the thermochemical reaction research which uses focused solar energy to drive the reactor, and the solar flux distribution on the reactor surface plays a decisive role in the regulation of the thermochemical reaction...
Published at Clean Technologies – Status of Concentrated Solar Power Plants Installed Worldwide: Past and Present Data
Abstract: Solar energy is not only the most abundant energy on earth but it is also renewable. The use of this energy is expanding very rapidly mainly through photovoltaic technology. However, electricity storage remains a bottleneck in tackling solar resource...
Published at Applied Thermal Engineering – Artificial neural Network-Based LCOH estimation for concentrated solar power plants for industrial process heating applications
Abstract: A study was conducted to assess the feasibility of a 5MWt solar-only parabolic trough concentrated solar power (CSP) for industrial process heat (IPH) in various locations across Morocco. Furthermore, the initial plant design has been optimized by...
Published at Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews – Economically feasible solutions in concentrating solar power technology specifically for heliostats – A review
Abstract: The progress in the deployment of power towers directly affected the reduction of the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), a standard for economic assessment of technologies producing electricity. LCOE of CSP plants is predicted to drop down to less than...
Published at Energy – Concentrated solar heat for the decarbonization of industrial chemical processes: a case study on crude oil distillation
Abstract: A novel strategy for the decarbonization of crude oil distillation was proposed considering two distillation columns located in Sicily that were simulated by adapting the equipment datasheet of the refinery Raffineria di Milazzo (RAM). The proposed approach...
Published at Energy – A cascaded thermochemical energy storage system enabling performance enhancement of concentrated solar power plants
Abstract: Calcium looping (CaL) thermochemical energy storage (TCES) exhibits promising potential for application in concentrated solar power (CSP) plants. However, the CSP-CaL integrating system encounters challenges related to elevated heat loss and diminished power...
Published at Energy Conversion and Management – 4E analysis and parameter study of a solar-thermochemical energy storage CCHP system
Abstract: The combination of calcium looping and concentrating solar power (CSP) is a promising energy conversion technology that can greatly increase the share of solar energy used in combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems. This paper designs a CCHP...
Published at Applied Thermal Engineering – Enhancement of the Power-to-Heat Energy Conversion Process of a Thermal Energy Storage Cycle through the use of a Thermoelectric Heat Pump
Abstract: The principal strategy for achieving a neutral climate entails enhancing the share of renewable energies in the energy mix, in conjunction with promoting innovation in efficient technologies. Thermal energy storage systems have the potential to efficiently...
Published at Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments – Energy systems capacity planning under high renewable penetration considering concentrating solar power
Abstract: With the rapid development of renewable generation and the promotion of “Clean Heating”, the uncertainty of renewables as well as rising energy demand has posed significant problems to the energy system’s economical and flexible operation. As a renewable...
Published at Chemical Engineering Science – Experimental screening of metal nitrides hydrolysis for green ammonia synthesis via solar thermochemical looping
Abstract: Ammonia is a fundamental chemical commodity for fertilizers and as a novel energy vector. Solar-driven ammonia synthesis is proposed as a sustainable alternative to the catalytic energy-intensive and CO2-emitting Haber-Bosch process. The considered...
Published at Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells – Incorporation of CaZrO3 into calcium-based heat carriers for efficient solar thermochemical energy storage
Abstract Calcium-based materials (CaCO3/CaO) have shown significant potential for use in thermochemical energy storage systems for concentrated solar power generation due to their low-cost, high-energy storage efficiency, and operational temperature range. However,...
Published at Renewable Energy – Feasibility study: Economic and technical analysis of optimal configuration and operation of a hybrid CSP/PV/wind power cogeneration system with energy storage
Abstract: In this study, a hybrid photovoltaic-wind-concentrated solar power renewable energy system and two cogeneration models are proposed. Evaluation criteria are employed, including the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and the loss of power supply probability...
Published at Energy – Analysis of heat and mass transfer in a porous solar thermochemical reactor
Abstract: Solar thermochemistry shows great potential as a viable solution for addressing the challenge of energy storage. The design of the reactor is still challenging the development and rapid upscaling of solar thermal conversion and storage processes. This study...
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