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Latest CSP in Development: 2023 Sener Solgest-1 110 MW trough CSP Latest online: 2013 from the first round of CSP in Spain that culminated with 2.3 GW: 150 MW Termosol I, II, III, trough CSP, with 9 hours of storage: in operation since Total CSP in Operation in Spain:...

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Spain now needs CSP for grid stability – study

Spain now needs CSP for grid stability – study

Despite a renewable capacity of 2.6 times peak demand, Spain's intermittent renewables do not provide grid needs for operating reserves and frequency stability, so they have not displaced conventional fossil technologies Source: EVWind Each MW of solar thermal power...

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Spain Finally Names CSP Auction Date: October

(Montel) Spain plans to auction 520 MW of renewable energy capacity on 25 October amid its ongoing effort to curb carbon emissions. The auction will award 140 MW for photovoltaic projects below 5 MW, 220 MW for solar thermal, 140 MW for biomass and 20 MW for other...

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CSP to be Essential by 2050 …for Germany?

CSP to be Essential by 2050 …for Germany?

Given Germany’s lack of desert sun, it might seem improbable that thermal solar would be a key component of its low-carbon grid planning under its Energiewende (energy transition). But several papers published in 2016 found that concentrated solar power (CSP) will be essential.

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