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Results for "particle"

Published at Energy Conversion and Management – Structural stabilization of granular Ca(OH)2 by coating with nanostructured additives for thermochemical cycling in a fixed reaction bed

Published at Energy Conversion and Management – Structural stabilization of granular Ca(OH)2 by coating with nanostructured additives for thermochemical cycling in a fixed reaction bed

Abstract: Thermochemical energy storage systems have a high potential to support a future energy supply based on renewables by providing comparably high storage capacities and option for long-term, cold and loss free storage, that allows a flexible utilization in...

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Optical Properties Working Group

General Coordination: Aránzazu Fernández-García, CIEMAT-PSA, Spain (arantxa.fernandez@psa.es) Objective Define and improve the measurement methods and protocols of optical properties of solar materials (including reflectors –clean and soiled-, receiver particles,...

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