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Results for "particle"

Optical Properties Working Group

General Coordination: Aránzazu Fernández-García, CIEMAT-PSA, Spain (arantxa.fernandez@psa.es) Objective Define and improve the measurement methods and protocols of optical properties of solar materials (including reflectors –clean and soiled-, receiver particles,...

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Low level attenuation and sunshape (H)

Introduction Low-level attenuation and sunshape are two factors strongly related with the atmospheric components in the path between the Sun and the solar collector or the solar system. The atmospheric components are not homogeneously distributed in the sun path, and...

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Low level attenuation and sunshape (G)

Introduction Low-level attenuation and sunshape are two factors strongly related with the atmospheric components in the path between the Sun and the solar collector or the solar system. The atmospheric components are not homogeneously distributed in the sun path, and...

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Low level attenuation and sunshape (E)

Introduction Low-level attenuation and sunshape are two factors strongly related with the atmospheric components in the path between the Sun and the solar collector or the solar system. The atmospheric components are not homogeneously distributed in the sun path, and...

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Low level attenuation and sunshape (D)

Introduction Low-level attenuation and sunshape are two factors strongly related with the atmospheric components in the path between the Sun and the solar collector or the solar system. The atmospheric components are not homogeneously distributed in the sun path, and...

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